[EuroPython-Announce] EuroPython 2015: Financial Aid Program launched

M.-A. Lemburg mal at europython.eu
Sun May 3 19:07:59 CEST 2015

We are happy to announce a program for people in need of financial aid
to attend EuroPython.

You can find all the details on our financial aid page:

                      *** Financial Aid Program ***


In short, we will be giving out grants in three categories:

 * Ticket discounts

 * Free tickets

 * Travel costs and accommodation

Anyone who wants to attend EuroPython 2015 can apply, including people
who have already purchased tickets. We want to make the event
affordable for as many people as possible.

Looking for financial aid sponsors

We are still looking for sponsors to increase the budget we have
available for financial aid. If your company would like to sign up as
financial aid sponsor, please contact the sponsors team:


EuroPython 2015 Team

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