[EuroPython-announce] Extension of the Talk Submissions Period for EuroPython 2008

Paul Boddie paul at boddie.org.uk
Sat May 24 21:09:09 CEST 2008

The original deadline for submitting talk proposals for EuroPython 2008 passed 
on Thursday, and so far we've had quite a few submissions. We would, however, 
like to see a few more! So, we have now decided to give all potential 
submitters some more time to put together proposals and send them in for 
consideration. As always, the EuroPython organisers realise that the 
deadlines we've set aren't always compatible with everyone's personal 

What this means is that anyone who had considered making a talk proposal but 
then found themselves short of time before last Thursday can now aim for the 
new deadline of Monday 2nd June - there's even a weekend before the deadline 
for anyone needing "quiet time" to sketch out their proposal! Remember that 
we're only looking for proposals at this point, not the entire talk or 
materials, although we obviously expect those things to be ready for the 
conference. ;-)

Take a look at the Call for Participation for all the details:


Or go straight to the page for talk submissions:


We look forward to seeing your proposals!

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