[Email-SIG] Kick starting email 6.0 development

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Mon Jan 18 23:24:20 CET 2010

On Jan 18, 2010, at 03:44 PM, R. David Murray wrote:

>With Barry's encouragement, and based on the summaries I prepared for
>the Email Wiki and discussion with Barry, I submitted a proposal to the
>PSF to fund me to do development work on the email 6 module.  As you
>will read in the proposal[1], this works for me since I do contract
>programming work as part of my income, and with funding I can devote
>that portion of my time (and more, I hope) to this project.

This is awesome David!

>My thought is that all the work should be done using a DVCS, to give
>maximum opportunity for others to contribute as their time allows.
>I welcome thoughts about how best to set this up to provide maximum
>access for this community of interest.

Since Python itself has no DVCS still, I might propose using Bazaar and
Launchpad to track the work.  I already have three branches that may or may
not have anything useful in them (they represent my previous attempts at

* lp:~barry/+junk/email-ng
* lp:~barry/python/30email
* lp:~barry/python/email6

I'm in the process of re-establishing code imports of the various Python
branches on Launchpad.  They had been using the bzr mirrors on
code.python.org, but those haven't been updated in a very long time.  I'm
going to blow those away and re-import from the Subversion branches.  After
that's working it should allow you to bzr branch any active Python branch and
hack on things from there.  That might make the most sense since some of the
bugs you've identified affect other than just the email package.

>I'm also interested to know who will be at PyCon and interested in BOF
>and/or sprint activities involving the email package.

I'll be at PyCon though I don't yet know exactly what I'll be sprinting on.
email package is a possibility.  The sprint sign up page is here:


>[3] http://www.bitdance.com/test/projects/email6/issues/

That one is *scary* :).
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