[Email-SIG] smtp question

Sypniewski, Bernard Paul Sypniewski at rowan.edu
Mon Jan 11 17:54:58 CET 2010

Dear SIG members:
     I am writing a reading comprehension program along with a teacher of Developmental Reading here at Rowan. She wants results of exercises emailed to her. Here is the problem that we have encountered. The usual PYTHON email modules require, as is only sensible, certain email configuration information. Because of the audience for which we are writing a program, not only is it inlikely that  students will have the required information but may not be literate enough to understand the instructions about what information to get and how to get it. So, here I am writing to you asking whether any of you know a way that we can get the required SMTP and POP3 (we will distribute the program to others) information through code so that we do not have to ask the students for information that they may have significant difficulty understanding and obtaining. We are working exclusively on WINDOWS platforms.
Bernard Sypniewski
Department of Computer Science
Rowan University - Camden Campus
Broadway and Cooper Street
Camden, NJ 08102 USA
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