[Email-SIG] Creating message parts

Nicholas Cole nicholas.cole at gmail.com
Wed Sep 24 16:37:53 CEST 2008

Hi all,

I may have the wrong end of the stick entirely, but I'll try to be as
clear as possible.

I'm trying to create a message part that will later be attached to
another message.  However, if I do

E = email.mime.multipart.MIMEMultipart()
print E.as_string()

Then E is given a "MIME-Version: 1.0" header, which I don't think it
should have (the "parent" email message will have that header, of

I have a feeling, therefore, that I am doing something wrong!  Should
I not be using the MIMEMultipart() calss for this purpose? And if not,
what should I be using?

Best wishes,


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