[Email-SIG] set_payload() -- SF bug # 1409455

Tokio Kikuchi tkikuchi at is.kochi-u.ac.jp
Mon Feb 6 22:16:27 CET 2006

Barry Warsaw wrote:
> Mark Sapiro submitted SF bug #1409455 against email 2.5.
> https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1409455&group_id=5470&atid=105470

Hi, I am now testing the patch but it looks like it breaks some of
japanese mail encoding rules, input/output charset conversion.

I want to look at it closer but it may take some time because I'm busy
this and next weeks on my students. :-(
> Mark attached an example program and a candidate patch.  I've uploaded
> an alternative patch which encodes the payload immediately during the
> Message.set_payload() call when a charset is given.  The patch also
> changes Generator.py to not doubly encode the payload.
> This change passes Mark's example, and passes all the existing unit
> tests except one.  But I think that test is actually wrong so the patch
> fixes that too (and adds a test for .get_payload(decode=True)).
> Before I commit this I'd like to get some feedback.  I haven't looked
> closely but I suspect that email 3.0 should similarly change.
> -Barry
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Tokio Kikuchi, tkikuchi@ is.kochi-u.ac.jp

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