[Email-SIG] Reconstituting stored messages and quoted printable encoding

Anthony Baxter anthony at interlink.com.au
Thu Jan 20 05:37:44 CET 2005

On Thursday 20 January 2005 13:53, Stuart Bishop wrote:
> Hi.
> I'm currently looking into persistent email storage for some internal
> applications.
> One of our requirements is that we need to be able to produce on demand
> a byte-by-byte identical copy of the original message (we expect GPG
> signed messages to be quite common). My understanding of this means that
> to do this we would either need to store the original message, 

I think you'll want to do this. Once upon a time, the email package
made heroic efforts to make the output of the parsed message byte-for-byte
identical with the input. This was sacrificed for a parser that was more 
robust - the feeling at the time was that if you really wanted a byte-for-byte
perfect copy of the original, you could save it off yourself.

Anthony Baxter     <anthony at interlink.com.au>
It's never too late to have a happy childhood.

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