[Email-SIG] Two other API nits

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Sun Oct 3 05:36:43 CEST 2004

Two other things we've talked about in the past, which, if we're going
to do, we should do now.  However they will break backward

      * Change Generator's constructor's mangle_from_ default from True
        to False
      * Change Message.__str__() to by default not include the Unix

These are two default settings that I think were wrong.  However, we
can't change these in a backward compatible way so we will probably
break code if we change them.

Does anybody have any clever ways for changing the defaults without
breaking gobs of code?  We could potentially fix Generator.__init__() by
using a different argument name and deprecating mangle_from_ but I don't
see any good way of changing __str__().

I'm open to suggestions and opinions, including "yah, they're broken but
we've lived with it this long and it's better not to change them".


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