[Email-SIG] Maybe a bug, maybe not

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Thu May 13 19:21:47 EDT 2004

On Mon, 2004-05-03 at 21:29, Tony Meyer wrote:
> > I'm copying the spambayes list 
> > since people started reporting this problem on this list too.
> I've moved this to cc spambayes-dev instead, because we're already
> discussing this there, and it'll just get lost in the bug reports on the
> main list.
> > I suspect that the crash occur because these messages have 
> > multipart boundaries but have a text content type header. 
> That seems to be correct.
> Two additional notes:
> Skip Montanaro thinks that he had a message like this fail with Python 2.2.3
> and email 2.5.3, but work fine with Python from CVS and version 2.5.5 of the
> email package, so that might be worth looking into.  He's going to check
> whether this is the case or not.

It didn't until about 5 minutes ago, but it does (work fine) in email
2.5.5 now.  Fortunately, we snuck it in under the Python 2.3.4 wire.


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