[Email-SIG] My plans for the parser

Matthew Dixon Cowles matt at mondoinfo.com
Wed Sep 10 11:55:44 EDT 2003

Dear Anthony,

>> You probably already know it but I've found that, very
>> occasionally, Python's base-64 decoder will raise an error where a
>> laxer one will produce results.

> Hm. Have you got an example of one of these? I think I recall
> hearing about the problem...

The only examples that I can find at the moment are single-part
messages that are base-64 encoded but had ASCII footers stuck naively
on the bottom.

>> I have one of those and you're welcome to it if you want, but you
>> can probably do better off the top of your head.

> Is it in C or Python? Base64 decoding probably does need to be in C
> for speed.

It's in Python and therefore really a lot slower than the base64
module. It's fast enough for my purposes since it gets called only if
the base64 module raises an error.


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