[Edu-sig] making types matter (notes for beginners)

kirby urner kirby.urner at gmail.com
Fri Jan 25 14:33:56 EST 2019

In my on ramp to Python, for beginners, I find harping on "types" a great
intro (if unoriginal -- a lot of us do it).

For one thing, we can hold fixed to the "type" idea while changing the
source of the type from built-in, to standard library module, to 3rd party
-- three tiers in my "dimensions of Python".

These dimensions are (again):

* keywords and core syntax (punctuation symbols e.g. [ ] ( ) : etc.)
* built-ins
* __ribs__ (special names e.g. __getitem__)
* standard library
* 3rd party (or cloud, or ecosystem, most of what you write yourself)

What I say about OO and types is:

this was an attempt to mirror your natural language thinking in terms of
things having type and thereby characteristics.  Computer languages were
reaching out to meet us half way, in our native context.  "Easy to reason
about" in proportion to one's having a strong sense of metaphor perhaps.
Not self-proving.

The datetime type is, like the string, great for escaping the vortex of
"number types only" (where high school math teachers seem to wish to
confine themselves for some reason, although this is not a limitation of

Many newcomers to programming expect incessant number crunching and
languages that only care about numeric methods. That's a stereotype to
smash early.  Some types help us do that.  I have a "permutation" type
that's like a number in being very mathy, supports __mul__ and __invert__,
but it's not a "number" type.

https://repl.it/@kurner/Permutations  (repl.it worth checking out if you

datetime also persuades us to appreciate that others have dealt with the
complexity.  We get the fruits of their efforts.  Calendar stuff is sooo...
tedious?  Not forgetting timezones and daylight savings time.  It's a lot
of useful machinery that used to stay locked away in temples.

A good example of a 3rd party type?  Actually there's a lot of 3rd party
datetime stuff.

Lets get back to number crunching why not?  gmpy2 - Extended Precision
Decimals.  Very like decimals in Standard Library, which is great, for
comparing and contrasting similar types.

A strong focus on types right from the get go then helps explain the power
of Python's  'class' keyword:  Python lets you extend the type system with
types of your own.

That's the OO model after all (not at all unique to Python), and meant to
mirror reality in some ways, a different goal then being "easy to reason
about" (which is a holy grail as well  -- it's not either/or).

Example using of gmpy2 in a "learning Python" curriculum context:

(more links from the bottom if wanting more of the same)

The feature I want to emphasize is the results of decimal calculations
mostly look like this:

JB Icosa:   18.512295868219161196009899292654531923571426913640152615969
JB Cubocta: 20.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
SuperRT:    21.213203435596425732025330863145471178545078130654221097650

Not what you'd be seeing with a calculator (too precise).  Not floating
point numbers, clearly, in the sense of IEEE 754.

I find extended precision types useful for inspiring students to developing
that special and useful skill, of going from conventional sigma notation,
to working programs using loops -- what sigmas stand for.

Ramanujan had some doozies converging to Pi (or 1/Pi) or whatever.  We've
looked at those before on edu-sig.


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