[Edu-sig] Errors in Wikipedia entry for IronPython?

Douglas S. Blank dblank at brynmawr.edu
Tue May 9 23:03:13 CEST 2006

On Mon, 2006-05-08 at 09:32 -0700, Dethe Elza wrote:


> I
> don't have IronPython, or any intention to install or run it, so take
> anything I say about it with a large grain of salt.

Wondering why you won't touch IronPython? It looks like it has the
potential to span what currently takes C/C++ plus SWIG plus Python, but
puts it into one framework, and may run more quickly than the other. It
also runs under Mono on many OSes and .NET on Windows. Is it because it
has touched the hands of Microsoft? It is "open source" (in as far as
the shared source license looks open), and Microsoft has (so far) been
very faithful to replicating CPython's behavior. If it had generic
cross-platform graphics, or were embedded in a browser, then it sounds
like it might be just the right Python for doing many educational
projects mentioned on this list in the last few weeks.


> --Dethe

Douglas S. Blank       Computer Science
Assistant Professor    Bryn Mawr College
(610)526-6501          http://cs.brynmawr.edu/~dblank

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