[Edu-sig] edupy bof at pycon2006

Jeffrey Elkner jeff at elkner.net
Sat Feb 25 23:43:17 CET 2006

Hi All!

We had a "Python in Education" BOF at PyCon2006 last night that was both productive and exciting.  The wiki page describing goals we discussed as well as providing contact information for the attendees can be found here:


Andrew Harrington offered to look into providing us with web space (and perhaps a place to move our wiki) when he gets back to Loyola University.  Michael Tobis kindly offered to help me make the next edition of "How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python" into a "live" textbook.  I've already approached Cannonical about getting help with hosting for bzr repositories for software and educational materials.

Question: Is everyone who attended the BOF and/or who is interested in the project on the edu-sig mailing list?

We agreed that the edu-sig list is the natural place to for emails concerning our efforts.

I'll be back soon with more information...

jeff elkner
open book project

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