[Edu-sig] Python as a first language for computer sciencist

Kirby Urner urnerk at qwest.net
Thu Oct 20 23:26:52 CEST 2005

> Dr. Toby Donaldson:

> There are definitely some who prefer Java,

My friend Gerald would count as one.  He wrote close-to-the-metal C for
years, and despaired of finding a language that'd be up to realizing his day
dreams, inspired by Snelson, then Fuller (he called it Elastic Interval
Geometry or EIG).  

Then Java came along, and a primitive AWT.  Everything started working.  A
dream come true.  And the tools have been improving ever since (JBoss etc.).

Gerald became an excellent Java programmer, used his skills to carve a
brilliant paying career -- *and* in his spare time he wrote Fluidiom.[1]

Whereas Gerald might empathize with those who use Python for the most part,
he has no need of it.  He's got it made.  More power to him.  

I salute the Java juggernaut and wish all aboard her safe passage.[2]


[1] http://worldgame.blogspot.com/2005/10/wanderers-20051018.html (Addendum)

[2] my daughter was learning the word 'juggernaut' the other day; I'll show
her my using it in this sentence.

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