[Edu-sig] Introduction to Python tutorial wanted for PyCON

Kirby Urner urnerk at qwest.net
Sun Nov 13 22:25:55 CET 2005

> At last year's Europython, the section devoted to people who were
> either new to python, or Zope people who had never programmed before
> was really well attended.

Yes, I found this an extremely refreshing aspect of Europython.  

I attended Guido's lecture @ Chalmers/Gothenburg on the history of Python,
up some flights of steps, and it was packed with eager beavers, many of whom
I didn't see at the more technical "already know Python" sessions.  

I learned a lot of history I hadn't heard before myself.

I haven't yet signed up for Pycon 2006, pending whether my proposal for a
workshop at SIGSCE gets accepted.  One trip to Texas per year is probably


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