[Edu-sig] K-16 CS/math hybrid

Chuck Allison chuck at freshsources.com
Mon May 9 18:44:36 CEST 2005

GM> On the other side, at the college level, there is the
GM> math-thinking list of computer science instructors trying to
GM> increase the rigor of the CS curriculum.

I see this as a Good Thing, but not for IT or IS curricula - just CS.
We have recently increased the rigor of our CS curriculum. We make our
students, in addition to taking 2 semesters each of calculus and
physics, and a semester of Discrete Structures, take one of

1) Analysis of Algorithms
2) Numerical Software Engineering (my class)

I just finished the latter last week and will talk about it at an
upcoming academic conference. I made it very applied, and they
complained a little about it being mathy, but hey - it was good for
them! Now they will be responsible the next time they use

Best regards,

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