[Edu-sig] 9. Best approach to teaching OOP and graphics

Darren Payne inxdr at yahoo.com.au
Wed Mar 23 07:59:26 CET 2005

>    9. Best approach to teaching OOP and graphics
> (Linda Grandell)
I too taught Java and Python to 2 separate classes 2
years ago. Funny, the more Java I taught the less I
liked it ... but then you get over it and just put up
with Java's ways, plus loads of ppl have coded modules
to get around many of the short comings. I still feel
very negative about Java - it's so much hype and hot
air really.

Pair programming is fine and works best when both are
of equal ability. I would encourage you to avoid
putting a stronger / more able person with a weaker /
less able person - the stronger one will get very
little out of it and can become quite resentful.

I really cannot comment re GUI.

Darren Payne 
Hurlstone Agricultural High School 
Ph: 9829 9222 Fax: 98292026

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