[Edu-sig] Just some stuff

Kirby Urner urnerk at qwest.net
Tue Jan 25 16:56:44 CET 2005

Hey Arthur, I know you're shooting for more seamless integration of PyGeo
and POV-Ray, but at least you should be able to get away with a loose
coupling via an ordinary os.system() call.  I've long used such code from
IDLE e.g. something like:

[$%!!*, that post got away from me -- stupid keystroke shortcuts...]

Something like:

import os

def render(filename="default.pov"):
    if os.name == 'linux2':
        linuxcomm = "povray +V +W640 +H480 +FN16 +AM2 +Q9 +A0.3 +P
        print "Rendering... (this will take some time)"
        os.system(linuxcomm+" +I"+filename)
    if os.name == 'nt':
        wincomm = '"c:\\program files\\POV-Ray for Windows
v3.5\\bin\\pvengine" -V fpp.ini'
        print "Rendering... (this will take some time)"

Certainly if you're able to frame a shot in Pygeo and then feed it to a
POV-Ray camera for rendering, that'd be a useful feature (maybe you have it
already).  Users of Springdance certainly appreciate and make good use of
that feature, and of Struck (which'd export full-fledged animations, using
POV-Ray's clock-driven looping feature).

If you've not used Springdance, I recommend adding it to your interactive
geometry toolkit -- but it only runs in Windows (coded in Delphi):

Related blog link:


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