[Edu-sig] 3d goggles -- any recommendations

Mike Hatalski mike at witsmith.com
Thu Feb 10 20:41:55 CET 2005

FYI: There's a interesting 3d process called ChromaDepth that uses special 
glasses but only a single image using color for the depth component. For 
example, given an image with a blue ball and a red ball on black background, 
both balls appear to be floating, with the blue ball closer than the red.



----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Hans Fangohr" <H.FANGOHR at soton.ac.uk>
To: <edu-sig at python.org>
Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2005 8:49 AM
Subject: [Edu-sig] 3d goggles -- any recommendations

> Dear all,
> I am looking for a product that provides three-dimensionality to OpenGL 
> (aiming for visual Python but also VTK graphics) scenes (for teaching 
> purposes). Something like graphics adapter with 3d goggles which work in 
> sync and provide two pictures one for the left and the other for the right 
> eye. Price range not to exceed 250US$; better less.
> Does a product fitting this criteria exists? Does anyone have any 
> experience with such systems?
> Thanks,
> Hans
> P.S. It would help if this piece of hardware worked on Linux.

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