[Edu-sig] Snack question

Rodrigo Dias Arruda Senra rodrigo.senra at terra.com.br
Fri Jul 23 01:52:31 CEST 2004

 | >I'm a novice Python programmer who wants to use Snatch. I have everything installed correctly as far as I can tell. But when I try to play something I get an error that says I failed to set the number of channels. Here's what I get:
 | >
 | >  
 | >
 | >>>>from Tkinter import *
 | >>>>root = Tk()
 | >>>>import tkSnack
 | >>>>tkSnack.initializeSnack(root)
 | >>>>snd=tkSnack.Sound()
 | >>>>snd.read('/usr/games/chromium/data/wav/music_game.wav')
 | >>>>snd.play()
 | >>>>        
 | >>>>
 | >Traceback (most recent call last):
 | >  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
 | >  File "/usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/tkSnack.py", line 277, in play
 | >    self.tk.call((self.name, 'play') + self._options(kw))
 | >TclError: Failed setting number of channels.
 | >
 | >Any help will be most welcome.

 I'm not a Snack expert, but have you tried with a different
 file other than '/usr/games/chromium/data/wav/music_game.wav' ?
 Perhaps this file uses more sound channels than your hardware have.
 Just a wild guess.
 best regards,
   | )          Rodrigo Senra       <rsenra |at| acm.org>                      
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