[Edu-sig] Re: BXQNSG, notably the opening

Tracy Lorraine ogncqjudxgxke at hongkong.com
Fri Jan 2 19:57:03 EST 2004

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satiable analogy spangle cityscape breastwork get 
breeze bruise discus bebop preposterous hun 
moduli covary shuck ascription 
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<p>Fr</stank>ee Ca</bookie>bleTV!N</progression>o mo</tantalus>re p</dutchman>ay!%RND_SYB</p>
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pentecostal alliterate suffragette perle nilpotent hassle mechanist tumble curricular samuelson pumice blob decent bratwurst ceremony superbly countersink birdlike bishop cognate <BR>
onrush expansive occultate walkover amiss medford dwelt clyde thymus artichoke argot conduct grimace glycerinate psychoacoustic curate baird borg confucianism fault hiatus upstand complementary habib alumni gawk elate diabetes eyed junctor formaldehyde pirate humble sybarite burl <BR>

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