[Edu-sig] Fw: [Visualpython-users] VPython and LiveZope

Nagarjuna G. nagarjun at hbcse.tifr.res.in
Fri Oct 3 00:40:54 EDT 2003

Arthur wrote:

>>Knoppix-based distros are pretty cool, just put the CD in and reboot.
>>Your machine loads the entire OS and whatever tools it provides from
>>the CD--nothing is installed to your hard drive.  Good for test driving
>>tools or for making Linux-based applications available to Windows users
>>without forcing them to partition their hard drives.
>Its potential for educational use is already being tapped by the folks at
>Directory of free software for schools
>I had burned their ISO and it booted up on my portable flawlessly.  I was
>amazed becuase RedHat8.0 couldn't deal with the Nvidia video driver on my
>Dell, while Knoppix effortless gave me a perfect XWindows screen on boot.
>>Loading a real "batteries-included" Python on a Knoppix disk would be
>>great for demos, education, even the lost and forgotten Contagious Fun.
>>  By building this as an ISO image we could encourage people to download
>>it (from the SIG page?) and distribute it at conferences and trade
>>shows to get a taste of what Python has to offer.
>I had recently posted a related wish/idea -  a CD distribution that provided
>a more complete infrastructure than the standard distribution for education
>related apps.  To include Numeric, pygame, wxPython, VPython, pyopengl,
>The only problem I see with a bootable CD is that it must provide the apps
>as well as the infrastructure.  So that in putting it together someone needs
>to either exercise some editorial control - and deal with the flak that that
>might entail, or else throw in the kitchen sink.  The kitchen sink might end
>up being confusing, and of uneven quality.
>And ...  what I didn't try to do when I booted from Freeduc is write and
>save a script.  How is that handled?  Is the hard disk file system mounted?
>If you can't wrtie and save a Python script, I am not sure it is a great
>solution, beyond  - as you may be suggesting - as a form of a demo CD.
The knoppix CD as well as the Freeduc, wich is based on the former, both 
allow writes to disk by mounting the hardisk or removable disks with rw 

In India too we are creating a special CD for schools and colleges with 
good selection of software.  Python and Zope needless to say will be 
there.   We are also localizing some of the applications in  Indian 


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