[Edu-sig] import mechanism questions

Arthur Arthur" <ajs@ix.netcom.com
Sun, 12 Jan 2003 22:07:30 -0500

> Are you fully exploiting the 'package' feature by using
> the top level __init__.py in /PyGeo to bring in everything
> a user might need?

Inbetween drivng my son to the airport to go back to college, exactly what
I'm up to.  And making good progress.


a typical PyGeo construction might have required:

from VPyFrame import VPyGeo
from Complex import *
from GeoConstants import *
from utils.utils import randomXYZ

to get started.

Got that down to:

from PyGeo.PyElements import *
from PyGeo import randomXYZ

using the mechanisms of __init__.py imports

My post was just me getting greedy, and trying to get PyGeo.PyElements down
to PyElements

>  >>> sys.modules['Complex'] = Geometry.Complex

I think this is good!


import sys
import PyGeo.Complex
import PyGeo.Real
sys.modules['Complex'] = PyGeo.Complex

in the __init__.py of the toplevel directory

I can have all scripts start with:

from PyGeo import *  (this will bring in all utilities functions, including,
e.g. randomXYZ)

and then one of

from Complex import *


from Real import *

depending on the mode one wants to work in.

And that should be it.

Which I think is just fine, actually.

And so far I don't see a catch.

You're scary sometimes Urner.

