[Edu-sig] SCORM

Jason Cunliffe jason.cunliffe at verizon.net
Tue Dec 30 03:10:32 EST 2003


"This is an overview of the Sharable Courseware Object Reference Model.
It's hard to make technical standards understandable (much less
interesting).  Nonetheless, here's the cliff notes version of what  you need
to know about SCORM.
SCORM is a suite of technical standards that enable web-based learning
systems to find, import, share, reuse, and export learning content in a
standardized way.  (See ADL Background for how SCORM came to be.)  Note that
SCORM is written primarily for vendors and toolmakers who build Learning
Management Systems and learning content authoring tools so they know what
they need to do to their products to conform with SCORM technically.  A
"Designer's Guide" for implementing SCORM is in the works.  Stay tuned."

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