[Edu-sig] re: Types and true division (was Re: strange output

Arthur ajs@ix.netcom.com
Sat, 12 Oct 2002 22:02:47 -0400

Tim writes -

>Those folks were the first to bring up the issue forcefully, and Guido
>recognized the correctness of their conclusion at once.  Figuring out *why*
>the conclusion was correct stretched out over years, and Guido didn't move
>to change the language until after his brain caught up with his designer's

If you are saying that there was a totally serendipitous concurrence by
which where Randy's and Bruce's forceful statement of the more than obvious
issues related to 1/2 =0 and the newbie gets Guido to thinking, which
thinking then lights on:

"It has to do with substitutability of equal values with different types.
When a==A and b==B, then a+b
should be == A+B, at least within reasonable precision. "

OK, I guess, if you say so.

But we agree that one thing has absolutely nothing to do with the other.
Don't we? And we understand how when total serendipity comes into play, us
reasonably minded observers can get confused.  No?

So I'm forgivven.

