[Edu-sig] re: A Fact on the Ground

Arthur_Siegel@rsmi.com Arthur_Siegel@rsmi.com
Thu, 4 Jan 2001 22:09:47 -0600

>Let me confirm that there is a difference between aptness for math and
>for programming!  

In my case programming made math useful and anything useful is interesting.
I'm rarely called upon to divide hectors of land, or calculate the the angle of

sun in the horizon.  But damn well sure I wanted to rotate that cylinder.

Nobody can really think that wrapping rotateX(180) in a function called

StandMeOnMyHeadbutDont AskMeHowThatsforMathFolkAndItsNotIntheCurriculumAnd

is a significant step in the direction of progress.

Like I said, one of those days