[Edu-sig] Python sound.

Jason Cunliffe Jason Cunliffe" <jasonic@nomadics.org
Tue, 18 Dec 2001 19:50:37 -0500

...Don't forget MIDI

For recognizable tunes like Xmas songs, and fun programming with audible
feeback MIDI makes a lot of sense. Most computers now have built in MIDI
cards so no need for cables. Plus there are huge archives of MIDI files for
free download no the web. Plus zillions of players, editors, sequencers and
processors in softeare of all denonominations.

MIDI is a protocol which applies well to programming. Changes of key, tempo,
instrument, channel etc are significant and much easier than using FFTbased
audio toolkits. Files are small and manageable. Cut and paste of elements

To be honest I have not looked recently or very closely at Python for MIDI.
I do know of these:


See the MIDI python tools at The Vaults of Parnassus under 'Sound/Audio'

PyGame may well include MIDI handling. That would make interfacing with
other devices a pleasure.

The reason why I have not look at Python MIDI much is having to much fnu
with two superb non-python music programming toolkits:


PD [PureData]

Whatever solution you use, if it invovves MIDI and you are using windows
there are 2 essential free tools I recommend you install:

MidiOx and  MidiYoke

Together they provide a fabulous virtual patchbay  allowing one to route
MIDI siganl between several softawre on the fly, and also a monitor to watch
the MIDI data stream in color + lots of cool system exclusive features. Both
writen by MIDI software wizzards at Yamaha.

For midi hardware, the best value I know of is also Yamaha. They make an
external sythesizer and effects processor which connects via serial port to
quickly provide amazing sound tools for around $50. Play very well with
notebook computers as most po4rtable orchestra in your pocket with some
remarakbel sounds based Yamaha's XG series. It includes MIDI connectors and
also stereo efefct processing inputs for any soudn source. These are
programmable via MIDI.

A sub culture has grown up around the family of these with libraries, tool,
interfaces and lore for gettind great results. One obvious value for
teaching is that one can explore more than jst notes, but also ideas of
depth, spacial efects yet remain within a programming context.

good luck