[Edu-sig] Python sound.

Robert Rickenbrode rkr_ii@yahoo.com
Mon, 17 Dec 2001 14:19:02 -0800 (PST)

Hey folks, I'm having the kids use the winsound.Beep
library to write programs that play Christmas carols.
I had in mind to switch to the Snack wrapper functions
to switch to nicer sounding notes that play through
the audio card/speakers, but...

I seem to be having some trouble getting Snack to play
and really don't like the fact that it has to pop-open
a root window using Tk (we've not discussed GUIs yet).
Does anyone know about either:

1. Another nice windows compatible sound library for
python; or,
2. How to get Snack to play notes in series with
either the Tk root window closed or minimized?

Thanks, Rob

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