[Edu-sig] PythonScript

Kirby Urner pdx4d@teleport.com
Sun, 05 Aug 2001 13:58:12 -0700

>What am I missing.

Probaby all you're missing in this instance are people
with the energy and interest/motivation for implementing
such a thing.

Scheme has levels of use built in, i.e. you can pick
'beginner level','intermediate' etc. and be given
graduated interfaces to the language.  This is to help
teachers give students a more structured learning

In the case of Python, modules have a little bit of the
same function, in that you've only got the primitive
built-in capabilities until you start loading stuff --
and that's still quite a lot to learn (e.g. you've
still got all the list, dictionary and string methods
-- or most of 'em).

On the other hand, we wouldn't want to turn of case-
sensitivity if the goal were to train future Python
programmers I don't think.  That'd just set them up to
have to unlearn a lot of reflexes -- same with numerics
it seems to me.  But then, maybe you're not proposing
this environment for would-be Pythonistas.


>Undoubtedly something.
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