[Edu-sig] Teaching Python at a Junior College Level

Kirby Urner pdx4d@teleport.com
Fri, 29 Sep 2000 15:03:24 -0700

>However, my problem is not the language but in trying to get a broader
>acceptance of Python as a language equivalent to BASIC in people's minds. We
>know that Python is better ('natch :-) but people responsible for
>transferring the credit to another school often will ask for BASIC
>specifically. Any ideas how to fix this problem?

In my freshman year intro course to computers and programming at 
Princeton in the 1970s, we sampled several languages:  FORTRAN, 
PL/1, some assembler, SNOBOL and I forget which others.  Mostly
punch cards, with the CRT experience being new on the IBM 370.
When it came to CRTs and a command line interface, Princeton had 
APL terminals scattered about, with engineering students using 
APL on Tektronix CRTs for graphics (I'd sometimes sneak in and 
use 'em at night).

Given how easy it is to sample languages (by downloading them 
for free), perhaps your best bet is to sneak Python into your 
course without abandoning BASIC.  Surely it's easier to talk up
the benefits of "compare and contrast" and "not getting stuck in
a rut too early" and "different languages for different tasks"
and so forth, especially in an intro course.

I'd also argue for throwing a LISPish language into the mix --
something like DrScheme, which already has well-developed teaching

I suppose it makes some difference whether your course is a sort
of vocational track for people headed into programming right 
away, or a more theoretical track for computer science pros, in 
which case exposure to lots of languages is essential.  There's
no such thing as a CS pro who just knows one language -- only
vocational programmers might fit that description.

>This problem is much more important than you might realize. If schools won't
>accept classes that have Python in them, then it doesn't matter how much
>better Python is than BASIC, the classes cannot be taught. Either that or
>you end up with boutique classes with nobody in them.
>P.S. I'm in California if that matters.

It would seem extraordinarily closed-minded to say *only* BASIC
can be studied in intro courses.  I can understand why some 
exposure to BASIC should be kept, perhaps made mandatory, but
I don't understand why a monolingual approach should be enforced
early on.  Different students will take to different languages 
and it's best to let them get a sense of the spectrum, the 
range, rather than ram a single language down their throats.

But you probably agree.  It's just the dogmatic bureaucrats you
have to persuade.  Probably your only long term solution is to 
keep pointing to rising numbers of real world jobs and applications
that make use of Python.


PS:  I think it's in some ways easier to sneak in Python using in 
my "math through programming" approach because the focus is the 
math, aided with whatever tools.  As long as they don't think 
you're teaching programming, you can teach whatever programming
you want.