[Edu-sig] PyGeo

Arthur Siegel siegel@eico.com
Thu, 2 Mar 2000 13:06:18 -0500

Kirby writes -

> That's encouraging.  So you have object.draw() syntax in PyGeo?
> From the earlier example and your comments about it, it looked
> like you were using assignment statements to cause draw events
> behind the scenes -- confusing.

As presently configured the draw method is called by default. To change the
toggle so it off by
default, and require an explicit call from the script should be no issue.

Which leads to a broader issue of PyGeo in the context of EDU-SIG. The
following is an excerpt of
an off list exchange with Steve Morris. Steve was crticizing me
(constructively I thought) on a few
scores and chose to do it in private.

Steve writes -

>In otherwords your web page probably scares away the very people you
>want to attract.

>I suggest that you recreate this page with much simpler examples and
>describe them in more detail. Give at least a one liner that describes
>every function that you use as well as any data types that are

Art responds--

>Points well taken, and I appreciate the feedback.

>I do maintain that if I can get PyGeo some sympathetic attention, it could
>be found -  in concept if not in execution - to be very much on point as a
>for helping young folk get some handle on OOP via Python, and at the most
elementary levels.

>A sphere is an object. sphere=Sphere(p1,p2).  sphere.drawcolor=GREEN. And
it is there in front of you.
>And it is green.

>The truth is PyGeo is a lot simpler than the impression people apparently
get from the site.
>As to particular design decisions I made with PyGeo, I am certainly open to
ideas, suggestions,
>criticisms.  To the extent you may conclude that I may have gone off-track
in designing PyGeo (as relevant to the goals
>of EDU-SIG), please jump in. I would ideally like to see PyGeo as raw
material to play with for those interested
>in the goals of EDU-SIG.