[Edu-sig] Sample Lesson Plan

Kirby Urner pdx4d@teleport.com
Fri, 04 Feb 2000 01:15:13 -0800

Re recent posts, my operating assumption is there's no time 
to change the language.  Case sensitivity and the interface 
are just the way they are.  

That doesn't mean others need to operate on this assumption, 
plus I realize Python is evolving.  But I want to brainstorm 
about how to use Python in K-12 right now, without requiring 
that any "wish list" be fulfilled.  I take it "as is".

Here's an example of a lesson plan which uses Python in context, 
to generate triangular, square, tetrahedral, and half-octahedral 

In this example, there's no graphical output. However, a teacher 
of this lesson might well have graphics to share, plus hands-on 
exercises with actual ping pong ball or other spheres 
(e.g. marbles).



Triangular numbers represent the sum of consecutive integers, 
as per this picture:

      *       1
     * *      2
    * * *   + 3

The 3rd triangular number is the sum of the numbers 1,2 and
3. So if we think of "row number", we could write:

  tri(1) = 1  # = 1 
  tri(2) = 3  # = 1 + 2
  tri(3) = 6  # = 1 + 2 + 3

The notion is similar to 'factorial' (n!), except instead 
of doing 1 x 2 x 3..., we're doing 1 + 2 + 3...

Just as factorial may be written recursively (as in 
"a function that calls itself"), so may we write the 'tri' 

>>> def tri(n):
	if n<=1: return n
	else: return n + tri(n-1)
>>> tri(1)
>>> tri(2)
>>> tri(3)
>>> tri(4)
>>> tri(10)

Notice that a parallelogram of stars may be composed of two 
consecutive triangular numbers, e.g.

          * * * *        *       * * *
         * * * *        * *       * *
        * * * *    =   * * *   +   *
       * * * *        * * * *

                   =   tri(4)  +  tri(3)

And a parallelogram of stars easily transforms to a square:

          * * * *      * * * *
         * * * *       * * * *
        * * * *    =   * * * *
       * * * *         * * * *


In other words, a "square number" is the sum of two consecutive 
triangular numbers.  Let's see this in code:

>>> def sqr(n):
	return tri(n) + tri(n-1)
>>> sqr(1)
>>> sqr(2)
>>> sqr(3)
>>> sqr(4)
>>> sqr(20)

Imagine triangles stacked on top of each other, with 1 at 
the apex, 3 under it, 6 under that and so on.  This is a 
tetrahedron with an expanding triangular base.  You'd get 
the number of spheres in a tetrahedral packing (imagine 
stacked ping pong balls) by summing consecutive tri numbers.

Here's one way to write the tetra() function:

>>> def tetra(n):
	sum = 0
	for i in range(n+1)[1:]:
	    sum = sum + tri(i)
	return sum
>>> tetra(1)
>>> tetra(2)
>>> tetra(3)
>>> tetra(4)
>>> tetra(5)
>>> tetra(100)

Notice that we want to force a loop that goes from 1 to n.  
The range() function goes from 0 to n-1, so we have to bump 
up the highest outcome by 1, and start the series with 
term 1 (instead of term 0).

Let's see this just using range(n):

>>> range(5)
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> range(5+1)[1:]
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
>>> range(10)
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
>>> range(10+1)[1:]
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

So you see that range(n+1)[1:] gives us the numbers 1 thru n.  
That's what we're doing in the tetrahedral numbers function.

Instead of stacking bigger and bigger triangles, we could 
stack bigger and bigger squares.  1 ball would sit on top of 4, 
on top of 9, on top of 25 and so on.  Here's the function, 
which we'll call 'hoct' for "half octahedron" (the shape of 
a square-based pyramid):

>>> def hoct(n):
	sum = 0
	for i in range(n+1)[1:]:
	    sum = sum + sqr(i)
	return sum
>>> hoct(1)
>>> hoct(2)
>>> hoct(3)
>>> hoct(4)
>>> hoct(100)

                 [ to be continued ]

Background reading: