[Python Edinburgh] Python Code Dojo - Tuesday 28th April

Ed HAWKINS ed.hawkins at st.com
Thu Apr 23 16:48:06 CEST 2015


Now appears to be sold out! Really gutted I was too slow to get a ticket…

Any chances some more places could be made available?

Cheers, Ed.

From: Edinburgh [mailto:edinburgh-bounces+ed.hawkins=st.com at python.org] On Behalf Of Mark Smith
Sent: 20 April 2015 16:03
To: The list for Pythonistas in Edinburgh.
Subject: [Python Edinburgh] Python Code Dojo - Tuesday 28th April

Hi All,

I got around to organising the dojo! This month, we're hosted at FanDuel's offices, and they're providing food and refreshments. There are only 30 places, so please sign up at http://attending.io/events/python-edinburgh-dojo if you want to come along.

So what's a dojo?

A dojo is a way to practice your programming skills in a fun, friendly, supportive and informal environment.

* We start off by proposing ideas, and then voting on which idea is the favourite.
* After that we split up into groups of 3 and each team separately works on the chosen task for around 2 hours.
* At the end we all get together and demonstrate what we've produced.

* And that's it! It sounds slightly dry but is actually great fun. In previous dojos we've built tamagotchi simulators and random placeholder text generators.

We make sure each team has a mix of skills so that everyone gets to learn something new or help out someone on their way up.

The details are all at the Attending.IO site linked to above. If you have any questions, let me know.

Hope to see you there!

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