[Python Edinburgh] Talks!

John Sutherland john at sneeu.com
Tue Sep 2 18:17:07 CEST 2014

+1 for option one: separate meet–up/talks.



On 2 Sep 2014, at 17:13, Becky Smith <rebkwok at gmail.com> wrote:

> I like the idea of talks, but the pub meet up is popular and less formal than talks in a talk-suitable venue; I vote for the first option, leave pub meet up as it is, have talks as a separate set of events.
> Becky
> On 2 Sep 2014 16:59, "Mark Smith" <mark.smith at practicalpoetry.co.uk> wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> In the past when I've asked around, there's been a general feeling that we'd like to keep the pub meetups as they are and run talks separately. Before Toms unilaterally changes the format of our main function can anybody who has an opinion reply to this thread stating their preference.
> I think the options are:
> * Keep pub meetups as they are and run talks separately on a different day.
> * Start each meetup in a suitable venue (probably a local Python shop's office) with a short talk, followed by a move to the pub
> * Hold each meetup in suitable venue (see above) with a short talk and (possibly free) beer and pizza.
> If anyone has any other suggestions, please also feel free to post them.
> --Mark
> On 2 September 2014 11:12, Toms <toms.baugis at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello again, this is the third and final email from me today :)
> I ran a quick survey last time and was extremely happy to see that as well as there are people who have been coding in python for 5+ years, there were also plenty who had just started or even are considering learning python as their first programming language!
> Apart from that, there was not a single person using the same stack - there was so much diversity between 20 people, that there is enough fuel for talks for a decade :)
> As such, I would like to tilt the format of the meetups by blending in talks as the first part of the meetup. 
> Not just every now and then, but rather *each* time we meet. 
> Ideally we should be looking for 5-15 minute long talks, where no topic is too big or too small. And they will be exciting as for the beginners, so for the experts that might find a gap in their knowledge
> I'll give a few examples that i hope will spark your imagination as to what kind of talk could you give:
> * lists, dicts, sets, tuples, namedtuples, frozensets - when to pick tuple and when to pick list? 
> * decorators - how to write one and how and when to use one
> * packing it up and shipping to PyPI with setuptools
> * virtualenv, virtualenvwrapper, workon and other handy bits to make managing python dependencies a breeze
> * flask and writing a web app in 30 lines
> These are talks anyone experienced a bit in python could give - and there are tons of others. I'm quite certain that it would spark discussions beyond what any of us could imagine.
> During the last meetup I also asked a few of you as to what talk could you give if they would be given these 5-15 minutes, here are some of results:
> * Thomas wrote a quizz web app in python and has open sourced it and it has picked up - so it's most certainly worth checking it out
> * John - interprocess communication
> * Alistair - conda
> * The gentleman who's name is now escaping me (sorry!) - how the new buzzy Go compares to python
> * Manuel - "plone" - turns out that despite the rumors, plone is still very much alive
> * Ross - a full stack trace of a request - from browser down to where it all began (some ruby might be involved)
> Here are few i can think myself from the top of the head, i could be willing to present:
> * docopt - the awesome self-documenting CLI lib
> * adding autocomplete to your application in linux
> * writing a desktop application in 100 lines on linux with GTK3
> * automating deployment with fab
> * forget httplib/urrlib and embrace requests
> What's your stack like? 
> What's your favourite or most often used feature, library or framework is? 
> What makes your head hurt and what excites you every time you get to use it?
> Mail me privately with your talk ideas at toms.baugis at gmail.com!
> Toms
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