[Python Edinburgh] Python Workshop/Support group Edinburgh

Becky Smith rebkwok at gmail.com
Mon Dec 1 21:46:37 CET 2014

I second the idea of events that include Python Edinburgh, Django Girls and
PyLadies; one of my aims in setting up PyLadies was to encourage more women
to also attend Python Edinburgh events, which hasn't really happened yet.
However, a beginner/learning event would be much approachable for newcomers.

In terms of venues, I imagine CodeBase would also be a good bet - they've
already made a general offer for space for PyLadies workshops.

Bring your own project is a good idea, but total beginners may not have got
far enough to have a project to bring, or to think of one that's realistic
for their current skills level.  It would be useful to pool a list of ideas
for beginners' projects that people could pick from if they don't already
have one. There are a links to a few in the pyladies new coders resources
as a starting point:


On Mon, Dec 1, 2014 at 6:02 PM, James Doig <jamesdoig at gmail.com> wrote:

> I like Alisdair's "bring your own project" ideas (low prep time for
> tutors) ... I'm assuming it would be ok for people light on personal
> projects or who liked the sound of another persons project could team up?
> As Becky said I also imagine there would be a lot of Django project
> interest (I know one of my students is keen to learn more and finish her
> site so she can help out at future DG's)...  In the spirit of integration
> it would be nice to have a common event that brings Python
> Edinburgh/DjangoGirls/PyLadies together :)
> Any day that does not clash with Python Edinburgh or PyLadies works for me
> and I'll see if Hogarth can lend any office space (we're right in the city
> centre at Waverly Gate) ... They've been very accommodating in the past
> with venues and sponsorship previously.
> So do we want to start talking dates for the initial get together? Even if
> it's just a meet & greet and getting people set up with github accounts +
> python/pip/venv/etc ? ... It's getting close to the festive period and I
> imagine people have other commitments that may clash if we don't get a
> first date in soon.
> James.
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