[Python Edinburgh] looking for a great python developer in Edinburgh!

Éric St-Jean eric.st-jean at ecometrica.com
Wed Apr 9 20:18:27 CEST 2014

Fellow pythonistas,

I'm the Montréal-based CTO of an Edinburgh-based company, Ecometrica.
We are looking to expand our dev team, and want to do that in our
Scottish office. The opening is for May 1st, but i'm flexible on start
date. I'm also very flexible on seniority, experience, education - we
have a very smart team, and i don't look for keywords on a CV when
hiring. That being said, it's not a position for a php coder who's
never written a line of python in her life either - some evidence that
you've found your way to python would be nice.

Even if you've got a job already, i encourage you to send your info
along and come and meet us - you've got nothing to lose, and you just
might decide to join our team!

Here's the full posting:

Ecometrica[1] is a company of specialists and experts in greenhouse gas
(GHG) accounting [2], ecosystem services [3], climate change policy,
remote sensing and web based programming. We have unrivalled experience
in the development and application of the major standards for
greenhouse gas accounting and ecosystem change measurement. 

Our mission is to make accounting for GHG emissions and ecosystem
changes accessible to all organisations, including business and
government, through web-based services that distill our knowledge and

We are presently on the lookout for a python developer position, based
in our Edinburgh (Scotland) office. This is an immediate opening.
Ideally, you are very-well versed in at least some of:

* Python (e.g., you know how metaclasses work, or how a large list will
  allocate memory upon the next append)
* Backend Django development (e.g., you know querysets inside out - how
  and when they query the database, how their internal caches work)
* Linux Infrastructure (deployment, security, etc.)
* Frontend development (you can do magic with javascript, HTML and CSS)
* Testing, both frontend (using e.g. windmill) and backend (python
* Frontend design (usability, visual design)
* Geographical information systems (we created our own screaming-fast
  storage and querying system, but knowing the basics of how GIS work
  would be handy) 

We’re not expecting you to be an expert in all of this, but if you have
a few of those points and are very smart, please apply!!! You *must*:

* have a good sense of humor
* work well in geographically disconnected teams
* have good communications skills in english
* deal well with receiving a vague problem description, and take
  matters in your own hands to make sure it gets solved to everybody’s
  satisfaction with limited resources 

The challenges are numerous and great, in all areas - infrastructure,
backend, algorithms, frontend design and implementation, etc. We really
need you! 

In terms of perks, Ecometrica is a great place to work at. Schedules
are completely flexible - i want you to get things done, and if you’re
not feeling it one morning, go for a bike ride and work later! If
you’ve got deadlines one week and really crunch it, go skying for a
couple of days the next week! How you work and solve problems is also
flexible, and you’ll get a mac or linux laptop, your choice (or Windows
if you really want that).

We provide a nice open office, unlimited coffee, tea of course. You’ll
get to visit the other office from time to time, and you need to be
able/allowed to travel sparingly to Canada.  Good options package. And
of course full health coverage. It’s like working for a startup, but a
startup which is already in the black and has lots of paying clients,
so much less stress - we’re here for the long run but you get to join
while the company is still relatively small (less than 10 in Montréal,
25 total). 27 days vacations. Salary will depend on your experience,
but will be competitive - i’m open to receiving applications from very
junior up to senior levels.

The team is great, too. You won’t be simply working in a dev team,
you’ll also be working with amazing, fun, very bright scientists both
in Montréal and in Edinburgh. The 3 co-founders are all scientists,
there are simply no PHB’s around to ruin your day!

You can send your CV to jobs at ecometrica.com. But please include links
to sites you’ve built, projects you’ve completed, repos on github or
bitbucket where you’ve contributed or are the lead developer, your
twitter stream, or anything else that makes sense.

[1] http://ecometrica.com
[2] http://ecometrica.com/products/our-impacts/
[3] http://ecometrica.com/products/our-ecosystem/

Éric St-Jean, MEng, ing.       CTO, Ecometrica
eric at ecometrica.com      http://ecometrica.com
Skype/MSN/Google Talk:wiswaud  +1-514-585-9939

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