[Python Edinburgh] Two python jobs available

Bob Cook bob at queryclick.com
Thu Mar 29 13:40:24 CEST 2012

Hi all,

We're currently looking for Python programmers - one freelance, one 
full-time. We're a 2008 startup and - I promise you - absolutely no 
corporate crap or people who don't understand dev work influencing your 
decisions. While not all of us work as python devs here, we're all very 
technically minded (including the bosses) and understand what new tool 
builds entail.

The two ads are here:


(Full-time work, permanent)


(One initial contract with possibility of extension)

Everything we build is in Django and Python and we've quite a lot of new 
Python based tools that need speccing and building from scratch in the 
near future.

Drop us (jobs at queryclick.com) or me personally (bob at queryclick.com)



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