[Python Edinburgh] Coffee Shop Hack

Dougal Matthews dougal85 at gmail.com
Wed Nov 16 16:57:18 CET 2011

Hey all, 

I mentioned a few weeks ago[1] that I would be up in Edinburgh for 
the weekend. I plan to do some general hacking on code in a coffee
shop and welcome anybody to come along and join in.

I'll be in Loudons Cafe[2] on Fountainbridge. They have a good 
selection drinks and free WiFi. The food also looks good but I've 
never had any.

I will be there by 10 am on Saturday at the latest, probably closer to 
9am and will be likely to hang about most of the day. I'm not sure 
about Sunday - but probably a similar deal.

Saturday night will no doubt involve some food and beers if there are
any takers (silly question right Mark?).

Anyway, it would be good to see anybody there that can make it. As
usual, you can contact me on my phone: 07719 780 595 to check I'm
there or to join us later on in the day.

If your planning to come along, it would be handy if you could give me 
a quick heads up.



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