[Python Edinburgh] Hack Session

Dougal Matthews dougal85 at gmail.com
Fri Oct 1 00:02:30 CEST 2010

On 30 September 2010 20:01, Hasan Veldstra <hasan.veldstra at gmail.com> wrote:

> Good idea. Easiest thing to do is look through the bug tracker of your
> favorite project and pick an item.

Absolutely, I can think of loads of projects I would like to get involved
in. It's perhaps a little harder to find one that we all interested in but
of course there is scope for various projects being hacked on. I guess it
just depends how much interest etc. we can drum up.

We had thought of picking a project, say Gunicorn just for example, and then
starting with a few lightning talks to get those less familiar up to speed.
So a bit of talks, coding and then off to the pub :). This format is just an
idea at the moment so I'd again be interested to hear thoughts.

> E.g. Gunicorn (http://gunicorn.org) could do with sendfile support
> [1]. If I turn up, I may work on that. Anyone here have WSGI
> implementation experience?

I have only used gunicorn and don't know the internals but it's awesome so I
would love to be more involved in the project.

We could hold it in Appleton Tower perhaps (Techmeetup location). I
> can try to arrange that if it seems like a good venue.

Appleton tower was on our short list of places to contact. If there is
somebody specific we should speak to I'd be happy to do that - just let me

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