[Python Edinburgh] Potential Talk: Deep-Dive Into Python Classes

Mark Smith mark.smith at practicalpoetry.co.uk
Thu Nov 11 16:57:42 CET 2010

Excellent! A countryman ;)

So far I think that's about 5 positive responses so far (one in private).
Did I mention there would be beer afterwards? No, *not* free beer.

If we go ahead with this, then I'm thinking early next year, maybe
mid-January; too soon, and I won't have time to prepare; too late in the
year and everyone will be busy with the run-up to Christmas.


On 11 November 2010 15:41, Graeme Urquhart <g.urkhart at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey guys,
> All sounds good to me. I'll certainly lend my ears!
> *
> Graeme*
> On 10 November 2010 11:30, Mark Smith <bedmondmark at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
>> (I've copied this conversation back into edinburgh at python.org)
>> Good list! I'd be especially interested in 'advanced django techniques'
>> and 'automated deployment' and 'what's new in django 1.3'  Fancy coming up
>> for a week?
>> There's a corollary to the 'if you don't know why you'd need metaclasses
>> then you don't need them', which is "most of the time, when you think you
>> need metaclasses, you don't"
>> :-)
>> --Mark
>> On 10 November 2010 10:35, Dougal Matthews <dougal85 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>  Mark,
>>> This certainly sounds good to me. Depending when it happens and if I can
>>> come along is another matter.
>>> I've got a few idea's for talks and would be quite interested in giving
>>> one too. Topics including;
>>> * advanced django techniques/tips
>>> * automated deployment (fabric, chef, gunicorn, etc)
>>> * redis (or general nosql)
>>> * django internals and contributing back (or Contributing to django - an
>>> outsiders view)
>>> * class based views and how they are a game changer (or maybe a more
>>> general "whats new in django 1.3")
>>> ...and a few others. I've been pondering these with EuroPython in mind.
>>> I don't think there is much need to cover class decorators. Meta-classes
>>> are an interesting topic but don't really fit with the others and are rarely
>>> needed. If you don't know why you'd need them, then you don't and all that
>>> :)
>>> Dougal
>>> On Wednesday, 10 November 2010 at 09:55, Mark Smith wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> I've had some ideas floating around in my head for a Python talk to give
>>> some time. Would anybody be interested if I was to give a talk called
>>> (provisionally) 'A deep-dive into Python classes'?
>>> The kind of things I'm thinking of covering are:
>>> * Understanding class attributes and instance attributes.
>>> * How do methods actually work?
>>> * Where does 'self' come from?
>>> * Interesting tricks once you understand how methods work.
>>> * How do 'classmethod' and 'staticmethod' work?
>>> * The Python descriptor protocol, or 'how does @property work?'
>>> I'm not planning to cover metaclasses or class decorators (although I
>>> could...). I'd say the material is somewhere between intermediate and
>>>  advanced, although I'd hope that anyone who came with an understanding of
>>> object-orientation and the dynamic nature of Python would learn something
>>> useful. Most of the stuff above has either given me useful idioms in the
>>> past, or caused me problems when I was trying to be clever without a proper
>>> understanding of the way object orientation works in Python.
>>> I think it's good if talks are given in pairs, so if anyone else has
>>> material for a talk (especially a different kind of talk!), then please do
>>> let me know and we can start to talk timescales, etc.
>>> --Mark
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