[docs] Improvement suggestion to Python docs

Klaas `Z4us` Van B. V zeaforus at gmail.com
Tue Apr 9 06:55:48 EDT 2019

Awesome, thanks!

Next to Snow Leopard I use Mojave as well; factually my wife's puter, but I
have my own account there as well 8-D
Will see to upgrade from 2.7 to 3 one of these days

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Kind regards | Vriendelijke groeten | Cordiali saluti,
Klaas `Z4us` van B V, innovative communicator

On Tue, Apr 9, 2019 at 9:55 AM Julien Palard <julien at palard.fr> wrote:

> Thanks for reporting!
> Sadly telling people to use `which` won't help them in adding Python's
> installation path to their PATH, as `which` itself uses PATH.
> If you feed you can rewrite this to be cleaner, don't hesitate to open an
> issue on bugs.python.org and if you can even open a pull request on
> https://github.com/python/cpython/ (the file you have to modify is
> Doc/tutorial/interpreter.rst).
> BTW if you're starting to lean Python in 2019 you better start with Python
> 3.7, not 2.6. The Python 2 end of life is jan 1 2020. 2.6 has not received
> any patch since 2013, better not touch this snake, even with a stick ;)
> Bests,
> --
> Julien Palard
> https://mdk.fr
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