[docs] Statistics doc

Zachary Ware zachary.ware+pydocs at gmail.com
Mon Mar 24 04:11:51 CET 2014

On Sun, Mar 23, 2014 at 5:55 PM, Alex <aaa5500 at ya.ru> wrote:
> http://docs.python.org/dev/library/statistics.html
> I know math. I ended the institute. But in Russia. Doc doesn't show me WHAT
> FORMULAS are used for mean, median, median_low , etc. I canot understand
> doc. Please write formulas:
> e.g. mean = sum(x[i] from i=1 to N) / N

Thank you for your message, Alex.  I have opened issue #21046
(http://bugs.python.org/issue21046) to track this issue.


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