[docs] IDLE tooltip using python 2.7.5

Ariel Bronner arielbro at mail.tau.ac.il
Sun Jun 16 17:44:21 CEST 2013

Hey guys,

I want to report what I believe to be a bug with IDLE.

When calling a function in IDLE, it shows a tool-tip describing the
function's parameters, including optional parameters and their default
value. Using python 2.7.5 on Windows 7 with IDLE, I've found out the
tool-tips for optional parameters with fractional default value is quite
strange. Using this definition -

def foo(x=1.5):

Calling foo will produce the tool-tip (x=1<tuple>). This "tuple" thing will
appear when using several default parameters, even when nested inside
parametrs (def foo([[0.3]])) .

I first thought it is some feature I'm misunderstanding, so I've opened a
question on stackoverflow<http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17053492/pythons-idle-behavior-while-defining-fractional-default-values-to-function-para>.
It appears this problem also appears using python 2.7.3.

Hope this information helps,
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