[docs] Bug in Functional Programming HOWTO

Sandro Tosi sandro.tosi at gmail.com
Wed Aug 15 21:38:27 CEST 2012

Hello Sergey,

On Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 12:16 PM, Sergey Skovorodkin
<ls.sergey at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> http://docs.python.org/howto/functional.html#iterators
>> You’ll run into obvious problems if the iterator is infinite; max(), min(), and "not in" will never return, and if the element X never appears in the stream, the "in" operator won’t return either.
> "not in" returns False if the element X appears in the stream, so I
> think it's better to say
>> max() and min() will never return, and if the element X never appears in the stream, the "in" and "not in" operators won’t return either.

Thanks - i've fixed it in all the active branches.

Sandro Tosi (aka morph, morpheus, matrixhasu)
My website: http://matrixhasu.altervista.org/
Me at Debian: http://wiki.debian.org/SandroTosi

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