[docs] Python 3.1.2 Syntax Error

Éric Araujo merwok at netwok.org
Wed Oct 27 18:44:11 CEST 2010

[reply received off-list quoted here]

Le 23/10/2010 20:06, Timothy Long a écrit :
> Thanks very much for the prompt response!

My pleasure :)

> One follow up question. How easy will it be to pick up python 3 provided I learn python 2?
> Wondering if I shouldn't just skip in to the most current version and struggle through on my own...

You should find comprehensive answers on

Personal advice: Python 3 has a number of great and small improvements
over Python 2, and some of the problems I stumbled upon while learning
2.5 don’t exist anymore in 3.1.  Other people argue that 3.x won’t be
part of their work environment for years and recommend to stick with 2.x.

Further inquiries can be directed to the python-list mailing list.
A lot of them are probably already answered, too; the archives are
public and indexed by search engines.


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