[docs] global

Scot Kelly skelly at passportcapital.com
Wed Dec 1 19:08:05 CET 2010

Re: http://docs.python.org/tutorial/controlflow.html

And http://docs.python.org/reference/simple_stmts.html#global


1. The documentation for the global statement would be improved if it
also had the paragraph from the tutorial.


2. The tutorial paragraph does not address that all references to the
variable name become local if an assignment occurs in a function.


SomeVar  = 12

def MyFunc()

  Print 'SomeVar', SomeVar

  SomeVar = 123

  Print 'SomeVar', SomeVar


An UnboundLocalError occurs on the first line, but not if we comment out
the assignment. 


3. Also, assignments to global variables ARE allowed (without providing
a global statement) if the assignment cannot be interpreted as creating
a symbol...

#This code works

SomeVar  = [12, 34]

def MyFunc()

  Print 'SomeVar', SomeVar[0]

  SomeVar[0] = 123

  Print 'SomeVar', SomeVar[0]



30 Hotaling Place, Suite 300
San Francisco, CA 94111

Scot Kelly
Tel 415-525-8910
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skelly at passportcapital.com

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