[Doc-SIG] lightweight markup: bullets

Tim Peters tim.one@home.com
Wed, 11 Apr 2001 14:45:59 -0400

[Edward D. Loper]
> ...
> So the approach that I wanted to get peoples' opinion on is using
> bullets that look like::
>     <-> This is an unordered list item.
>     <1> This is an ordered list item.
>     <foo> This is a description list item.
> Here, I'm assuming that we're already using C<...> etc. to delimit
> colored regions, ...
> ...
> Is it too ugly?  Do you see any other problems with it?  Do you have
> any better ideas?

If we're reserving X<...> notation, let's use it uniformly:

     L<-> This is an unordered list item.
     L<1> This is an ordered list item.
     L<foo> This is a description list item.
     L<When C<x==0>> This is a descriptive item with embedded code in
     the description.

> ...
> The main disadvantage that I see is:
>     - It's uglier than just using '-' or '1.'.

Ya, and I'm uglier than my sisters, but that's no argument for letting them
write your docstrings <wink>.