[Distutils] The sad and insecure state of commercial private package indexes

Nick Coghlan ncoghlan at gmail.com
Mon Apr 24 01:10:19 EDT 2017

On 22 April 2017 at 21:05, Donald Stufft <donald at stufft.io> wrote:
> I think the biggest barrier to doing it in pip is simply the UX of it. We’re
> currently constrained by the fact that *all* of our options are available as
> CLI flags, environment variables, and of course, a config file. This works
> great for simple key, value configuration but it breaks down with more
> complex situations like trying to assign a priority to different
> repositories or selecting which repository a particular package *should*
> come from (and other more complex situations).
> Thus far we’ve more or less stuck our fingers in our ears and focused on
> other problems, but I think we’re going to end up needing to refactor the
> way pip handles configuration to really make this sort of thing sane.

As much as it annoys me in other ways, the `/etc/yum.repos.d/*`
approach to managing named repositories seems hard to beat in terms of
allowing for per-repo configuration settings while limiting command
line complexity (since the command line mainly deals with repo names
rather than the individual settings). Debian offers something similar
now in the form of `/etc/apt/sources.list.d/`.

It doesn't automatically solve the complexity problem around pulling
components from multiple repositories, but it helps makes the
complexity more manageable since:

- remote repositories are explicitly modeled as named entities with
various configurable characteristics
- other commands then work with the local entity names rather than
directly with remote URLs

Something I *don't* think either yum/dnf or apt handle well is the
notion of *relative* priorities for a single command, since they're
built around the notion of associating static numeric priorities with
the repository definitions, whereas for development purposes, you
usually want to express relative priorities like:

    --indices=project-specific,org-common,pypi # Continuous deployment
    --indices=dev,staging,stable,pypi # Phased deployment, dev
    --indices=staging,stable # Phased deployment, CI/staging
    --indices=stable # Phased deployment, production


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia

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