[Distutils] draft PEP: manylinux1

Paul Moore p.f.moore at gmail.com
Fri Jan 22 04:26:08 EST 2016

On 22 January 2016 at 07:04, Matthew Brett <matthew.brett at gmail.com> wrote:
>> That's an interesting idea, but I personally don't see the manylinux1 list
>> as particularly
>> "scientific". If anything, I'd call it "minimal".
> Yes, I agree, I don't think 'linux-sciabi1" would differentiate this
> from other ways of building wheels.  For example, I can't see why this
> wouldn't be a perfectly reasonable way to proceed for someone doing
> audio or video.   The difference that "manylinux" was designed to
> capture is the idea of having a single set of wheels for many versions
> of Linux, rather than wheels specific to particular distributions or
> packaged versions of external libraries.

Experience with Christoph Gohlke's binary distributions on Windows
suggests that a significant majority of non-scientific uses are
perfectly well served by the sort of package list that scientific
users would need. And I suspect that not all Enthought/Anaconda users
are scientists, either.

So I'd rather that the tag was based on capability rather than
community / intended use. On that basis, "linux-minimal1" sounds fine
to me.


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