[Distutils] msvc9compiler.py - vcvarsall.bat is living one folder higher - VS90COMNTOOLS

postings at andreaskrueger.de postings at andreaskrueger.de
Tue Aug 9 20:29:03 EDT 2016

Hi Steve,

Thanks for your superfast answer.

> There's actually also a requirement for a relatively recent version
(>=6.0) of setuptools
>  in order to build correctly using the Visual C++ Compiler for Python.

This is the installed version

 setuptools:     25.1.6-py27_0

and 25>6 ?

> This will allow the compiler to be found without using the environment
> variable.

Then perhaps consider to completely remove/deprecate the route via
environment variable?
Because there are tons of workarounds & manuals out there which actually
point towards using the environment variable.

Or fix it.

> I suggest ensuring that setuptools is up to date

So the setuptools included in the newest anaconda is not new enough?

> , and either import it in the setup.py (you don't have to do anything
> except import it) or use pip to install your packages.
Not sure I understand.
I have been installing mc-stan.org - via 'conda install -c patricksnape
pystan'. It worked only after (solving other problems, and) patching
your distutils.

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